Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cluetrain Manifesto

In class we sometimes talk about the Cluetrain Manifesto. It is a book that in a way predicted and outlined the future of the web which is higher levels of communication and information transparency. I have read this book and find it pretty amazing that the authors very nearly did predict the social networking phenomenon. I also agree completely with the fact that the more transparency and open levels of communication can help both consumers and businesses. Consumers will not have to be believe exactly what the company says about their products which helps them make a more informed decision about buying. While this may seem like it hurts companies, it actually can help them. Companies can now not only reach a wider audience but can also have more direct contact with their potential customers, which opens up the doors for new marketing and advertising concepts.

As far as marketing goes for me, it is very exciting. I like to come up with new creative ways to reach customers. I do not always like conventional ways of advertising. Since this is a relatively new medium of connecting with customers, I feel like the possibilities are still pretty endless.

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